engleskiThe species has a long up-curving rostrum about 1.5 time s as long as the carapace. The rostrum has 11 to 14 spines above, the first three of which on the carapace are in front of the orbit and in rapidly ascending height, and form a group separated from the others by a short space. The group of three are sutured at the base and moveable. The others on the rostrum are not sutured but are fixed spines in an almost equidistant series. One sub apical spine is separated fro m the others by a space almost one-half the length of the rostrum. Ventrally on the rostrum are 10 to 18 closely spaced and fixed spines progressively mo re separated distally. The integument of the carapace appears to be minutely pitted, although no scales were seen. The antennal spine is very strong and has a low rounded carina. The pterygostomian spine is small. Laterally on the carapace is a low curving ridge extending from
near the orbit to near the posterior edge. Beside and above the ridge in the hepatic region is one oval depression and two others below the ridge. There is also a faint impression of a cervical groove dorsally. The abdomen has no dorsal spines on any of the tergites but the area of muscle attachment dorsally on the second and third segments is deeply indented transversely. The pleura of the fourth and fifth segments are produced posteriorly, each ending in a spine. The sixth segment is not quite twice the length of the fifth and has
a spine ventrolaterally at the posterior end. The telson is slightly (one-tenth) longer than the sixth segment and has two low carinae that bear four pairs of moveable spinules, the first pair of which is separated from the others. The apex is acuminate, with a lateral pair of long spines and a median pair much smaller (less than half the length). The outer edges of the outer branches of the uropods end in a sharp projection in the axil of which is a moveable spine. A fringe of short setae is inside the edge of this branch for its entire length. Th
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hrvatskiVrsta je dugo gore vijugavog rostrum o 1.5 vrijeme s dok je carapace. Govornice je 11 do 14 bodljama gore, prva tri od kojih na na carapace su ispred u orbiti i u brzo rastućem visine i formira grupu s kratkom. Grupa od tri su šavni spoj kostiju u bazu i pokretna. Drugi na govornice su ne šavni spoj kostiju ali su fiksne bodlje u skoro ravnomjernim serije. Jedan pod apikalni kralježnice je odvojen od m drugi razmak skoro pola dužine govornice. Ventrally na govornice su 10 do 18 blizu jedan drugom i dugotrajne bodljama progresivno više odvojenih distalno. Pokrivač na carapace pojaviti se biti precizno koštice, iako nema vage su vidjeli. Antennal kralježnice je vrlo jak i ima niske zaokružuje Karina. Malo je pterygostomian kralježnice. Bočno na na carapace je niska vijugavog greben koji se proteže od blizu orbite do blizu stražnjeg ruba. Pored i iznad sljemena u jetrene regija je jedna ovalna depresija i druge dvije ispod grebena. Tu je i slab dojam vrata maternice Groove načinom. Trbuh je bez leđne bodlje na bilo kojem je tergites ali područje mišića privitak načinom na drugi i treći segment je duboko razvedena poprečno. Porebrice segmenata četvrti i peti su proizvodi posteriorly, svaki kraj u kičmu. Šesti dio nije sasvim dvostruko duljina peti i kralježnicu ventrolaterally na stražnjem kraju. Na telson je malo (jedne desetine) duže od 6 segmenta i ima dvije niske carinae koja nose četiri para pokretna spinules, od koje je odvojen od ostalih. Vrška je ušiljeni, s bočnim par dugim bodljama i medijan par puno manja (manje od pola duljine). Vanjskim rubovima vanjske grane na uropods kraj oštre projekcija u axil koji je pokretan kralježnice. Šiške kratke paru čekinja je unutarnji rub ovog ogranka za cijelom dužinom. Prvi i drugi pereiopods su iste dužine, postizanje naprijed samo izvan serije leđne bodlje na govornice. Prvi su mikroskopski chelae. Drugi pereiopods su približno jednaki jedni drugima u veličini, duljina, itd., sa 14 do 17 annulations na na kosti pešća i vi