IngliżThe species has a long up-curving rostrum about 1.5 time s as long as the carapace. The rostrum has 11 to 14 spines above, the first three of which on the carapace are in front of the orbit and in rapidly ascending height, and form a group separated from the others by a short space. The group of three are sutured at the base and moveable. The others on the rostrum are not sutured but are fixed spines in an almost equidistant series. One sub apical spine is separated fro m the others by a space almost one-half the length of the rostrum. Ventrally on the rostrum are 10 to 18 closely spaced and fixed spines progressively mo re separated distally. The integument of the carapace appears to be minutely pitted, although no scales were seen. The antennal spine is very strong and has a low rounded carina. The pterygostomian spine is small. Laterally on the carapace is a low curving ridge extending from
near the orbit to near the posterior edge. Beside and above the ridge in the hepatic region is one oval depression and two others below the ridge. There is also a faint impression of a cervical groove dorsally. The abdomen has no dorsal spines on any of the tergites but the area of muscle attachment dorsally on the second and third segments is deeply indented transversely. The pleura of the fourth and fifth segments are produced posteriorly, each ending in a spine. The sixth segment is not quite twice the length of the fifth and has
a spine ventrolaterally at the posterior end. The telson is slightly (one-tenth) longer than the sixth segment and has two low carinae that bear four pairs of moveable spinules, the first pair of which is separated from the others. The apex is acuminate, with a lateral pair of long spines and a median pair much smaller (less than half the length). The outer edges of the outer branches of the uropods end in a sharp projection in the axil of which is a moveable spine. A fringe of short setae is inside the edge of this branch for its entire length. Th
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Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiL-ispeċi tkun a geddum twil curving up madwar 1.5 s żmien twil kemm bħala l-qoxra. L-geddum tkun 11 sa 14 spines hawn fuq, l-ewwel tlieta minnhom fuq il-qoxra huma quddiem il-orbit u malajr axxendenti għoli, u jiffurmaw grupp separati mill-oħrajn minn spazju qasir. Il-grupp ta ' Tlieta huma sutured fil-qiegħ u mobbli. L-oħrajn dwar l-geddum huma ma sutured imma huma ffissati spines fis-serje kważi ekwidistanti. Ispina apical sub waħda hija separata tniżżlet m l-oħrajn mill-ispazju kważi nofs it-tul tal-geddum. Ventrally fuq l-geddum huma 10 sa 18 mill-qrib spazjati u spines fiss progressivament mo re separati distally. Il-qoxra tal-qoxra jidher biex ikunu pitted bir-reqqa, għalkemm ebda skali kienu jidhru. L-ispina antennal hija qawwija ħafna u kien baxx bix-xtur imneħħija Emanuel. L-ispina tal-pterygostomian huwa żgħir. Lateralment fuq il-qoxra huwa baxx curving Mellieha li testendi minn ħdejn il-orbit li ħdejn il-tarf ta ' wara. Ħdejn u fuq mill-Mellieha fl-epatiċi reġjun huwa depressjoni ovali wieħed u żewġ oħrajn taħt l-Mellieha. Hemm ukoll a impressjoni bla saħħa ta ' l-injama ċervikali dorsali. Iż-żaqq għandha l-ebda spines dorsali fuq xi wieħed mill-tergites iżda l-erja tat-twaħħil tal-muskolu dorsali fis-segmenti it-tieni u t-tielet hija profondament f'riljiev trasversalment. Il-plewra tar-raba ' u ħames segmenti huma prodotti posteriorly, kull jispiċċa fl-ispina. Is-segment sitt mhuwiex pjuttost darbtejn it-tul tal-ħames u tkun a ispina ventrolaterally fl-aħħar posterjuri. -Telson hija kemmxejn (wieħed minn kull għaxra) iktar minn sitta-segment u għandu żewġ carinae baxx li ġġorr ' erba ' pari ta ' l-spinules mobbli, l-ewwel par li hija separata mill-oħrajn. Il-quċċata hija acuminate, par laterali ta ' spines twila u medjan par iżgħar ħafna (inqas minn nofs it-tul). It-truf fuq barra tal-fergħat fuq barra tal-uropods jispiċċa fil-projezzjoni li jaqtgħu fil-axil li huwa a ispina mobbli. A b'dehra tal-setae qasir huwa ġewwa t-tarf ta ' din il-fergħa għat-tul