IngliżThe teeth in the median line of the carapace low obscure: the rostral tooth is usually reduced to a mere tubercle, the pregastric tooth is distinct, but low, the gastric tooth is absent; the cardiac tooth (behind the cervical groove) is replaced by 2 blunt and flattened submedian tubercles. The region between the post-rostral and branchial carinae shows few tubercles and rather large smooth areas. Abdomen without median carina, the median area of the somites is low and flat. The exposed part of the abdominal somites shows an arborescent pattern of narrow grooves. Somite 1 has a complete transverse groove behind which there are numerous parallel oblique grooves, which in the middle of the segment form a triangular figure. Fourth segment of the antenna with a single straight and obliquely directed median carina; no additional carinae or tubercles on the dorsal surface. Outer margin of the segment with two distinct sharp teeth, inner margin with a large single sharp tooth (apical tooth of segment not included). Thoracic sternum with the anterior margin straight and transverse, with a very narrow median incision. The anterior margin forms a broad ridge behind which there is a sunken triangular area. No median tubercles on the sternites. Dactylus of pereiopods 1,2,4 and 5 without hairy fringes. Colour: the body is reddish brown. Most conspiucuous and characteristic are two large dark spots on the first abdominal somite, one on each side slightly above the base of the pleuron. The legs are pale with a few dark bands (Ref. 252).
Dehra traduzzjoni
Tradott mill-Ingliż minn BING
Din it-traduzzjoni hija purament indikattiva: minħabba l-kwalità limitata tat-test sors, id-deskrizzjonijiet morfoloġiċi huma disponibbli biss bl-Ingliż fil-verżjoni BETA tas-sistema. L-informazzjoni multilingwi se tkun disponibbli fil-ħarġiet futuri.
MaltiL-snien fil-linja medjana tal-qoxra baxx oscur: l-dfir rostral huwa normalment mnaqqsa lill-tubercle sempliċi, l-dfir pregastric hija distinta, imma baxxa, l-dfir gastriċi huwa assenti; l-dfir Kardijaċi (wara l-injama ċervikali) huwa mibdul bit-tubercles submedian 2 ċatt u fiċ-ċatt. Ir-reġjun bejn il-post rostral u branchial carinae juri ftit tubercles u żoni lixxi pjuttost kbar. Iż-żaqq mingħajr Emanuel medjana, l-erja medjan tas-somites huwa baxx u ċatt. Il-parti esposti ta ' l-somites taż-żaqq turi xi drawwiet Matorral tal tal-minċotti dejjaq. Somite 1 tkun a injama trasversali sħiħa wara li hemm huma numerużi paralleli oblikwi minċotti, li fin-nofs tal-segment jiffurmaw figura triangolari. Segment ir-raba ' tal-antenna ma wieħed dritti u laġemba diretti Emanuel medjan; l-ebda carinae addizzjonali jew tubercles fuq il-wiċċ tad-dahar. Marġini fuq barra tal-segment b ' żewġ snien distinti li jaqtgħu, ġewwa il-marġini mal-a dfir li jaqtgħu wieħed kbar (dfir apical tas-segment mhux inklużi). Isternu toraċika mal-marġini anterjuri dritti u trasversali, bl-inċiżjoni medjan dejjaq ħafna. Il-marġini anterjuri jifforma a ridge wiesgħa f'sedili li hemm xi żona triangolari. Ebda tubercles medjana fuq l-sternites. Dactylus ta ' pereiopods 1,2,4 u 5 mingħajr hairy fringes. Kulur: il-korp huwa kannella ħamrani. Ħafna conspiucuous u karatteristika huma żewġ tikek skuri kbar fuq l-ewwel somite abdominali, waħda fuq kull naħa ftit fuq il-bażi ta ' l-pleuron. Ir-riġlejn huma ċass bl-istrixxi ftit skur (Ref. 252).